To be recognized as an active participant in the economic transformation and development of communities in Southern Africa.

To consistently meet the exacting demands and challenges of providing a one-stop facility to our clients by being a total solutions and services provider.

  • To aggressively market and profile the company and investment partners.

  • To canvass business opportunities using our network.

  •  To expand and grow businesses where the company has an interest.

  •  To develop unique and comprehensive solutions based on the principles of performance and benefit to the end user.

  •  To structure projects in a manner that makes economic sense.

  • To look beyond the immediately obvious problems and obstacles, and seek solutions for any type of business.


  • Values - Integrity, Professionalism, Passion.

  • Culture - MGM Holdings (Pty) Ltd. is an institution that upholds it's values of integrity, professionalism & passion., underpinned by a good work ethic, professional appearance and conduct beyond reproach.



L.N Godlwana

(Managing Director)


(Business Development Director)

A Mvinjelwa

(Chief Operating Officer)




Thandekile Mbanjwa Office Administrator
Yonela Lujiva Receptionist
Siyasanga Madikizela Social Facilitator (Housing/Water)
Abongile Buhlungu  Social Facilitator (Housing/Water)
Nonhlanhla Gingqi Office Messenger  

MGM Holdings (Pty) Ltd is rated level 3 AA BEE certification, registered in the 2009 Employment Equity Register by the Department of Labour (Reg No CIDB 4 GB PE)